مشروع مراقبة الجودة: التوثيق والدراسة الأولية والتحقيق
تتيح لك هذه الندوة المقدمة عبر الإنترنت الاطلاع بمنتهى السهولة على المخرجات الرئيسية لمشروع مراقبة الجودة الذي دشنه مركز بحوث ودراسات القانون الدولي (2012-2020) الذي يضم 78 فصلاً (فيما يلي فهرسها وروابطها)، تصل عدد صفحاتها مجتمعة إلى 3228 صفحة وترد في شكل أربعة كتب تحتوي على كتابات أكثر من 80 مؤلفاً، بما في ذلك العديد من الممارسين والخبراء الذين يتبوؤن مكانة الريادة على الصعيد العالمي. ويناقش الخبراء والممارسون فيه كيفية تحسين العمل المبذول في القضايا الغنية بالحقائق خلال ثلاث مراحل متميزة، هي: تقصي الحقائق أو التوثيق، والدراسة الأولية وكذلك التحقيق الجنائي، ويغطي المشروع الفترة التي تبدأ بتحليل المنظمات غير الحكومية الادعاءات لأول مرة وتنتهي ببدء المحاكمة الجنائية.
وتجتذب هذه الفترة اهتماما أقل بكثير مما تجتذبه المحاكمة الابتدائية والاستئناف، ولكنها تستنفد مزيداً من الوقت والمال؛ ذلكأن غناها بالحقائق متاصل فيها. فإذا لم تصحح الأخطاء الجسيمة التي تُرتكب أثناء الدراسة الأولية والتحقيق، تنهار القضايا بأكملها.
ونظرا لوجود كثير من السلطة التقديرية وقليل من المشاركة الخارجية خلال هذه المرحلة، تكتسي الرغبة في مراقبة الجودة -لدى الأفراد والجهات المعنية- أهمية بالغة من أجل منع إهدار الموارد ومنع إساءة إقامة العدل. لذلك، يحث المشروع على تكوين عقيدة فردية وثقافة مؤسسية في مجال مراقبة الجودة. وينبغي إدماج المصطلح غير المنفر «مراقبة الجودة» بوصفه كلمة السر في العدالة الجنائية إزاء الجرائم الدولية الأساسية.
وقد ظهر هذا المصطلح بالفعل في التقرير النهائي لاستعراض الخبراء المستقلين للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية، الذي تولي زمام قيادته ريتشارد ج جولدستون، أحد المساهمين في مشروع مراقبة الجودة منذ عام 2013، وظهر كذلك في مساهمات رموز أخرى في هذا المجال مثل زابير أجيري أرانبورو، ومادز أندينسيز، ومكتب المدعي العام للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية (فاتو بنسودا، المدعية العامة)، جيلبير بيتي، وسيرج براميرتس، وأندرو ت كايلي، وولف غانغ كاليك، وليو داقون، وديفيد رِيّ، ومارتن شاينن، وكارستن ستان. وينبغي للحكومات والمجتمع المدني استخدام مصطلح «مراقبة الجودة» لتكوين الزخم اللازم تجاه أداء من ينفقون أموال دافعي الضرائب على العدالة الجنائية إزاء الجرائم الدولية الأساسية لما يتسم به ذلك الأداء من تطوُّر مستمر.
وتركز الندوة على الجرائم الدولية الأساسية، لكنها تنطبق على قضايا أخرى غنية بالحقائق مثل الجريمة المنظمة والاحتيال الخطير والاتجار بالبشر. وهي وثيقة الصلة بالأجهزة الوطنية المعنية بالعدالة الجنائية كما هي وثيقة الصلة بالهيئات القضائية الدولية وجهات تقصي الحقائق من المجتمع المدني. وتذخر الندوة بثروة من الرؤى والمقترحات ذات الصلة بالممارسين والدبلوماسيين والعلماء.
وقد مولت المشروع الحكومة النرويجية، وحظي بدعم العديد من الشركاء المؤسسيين والأفراد، ولا سيما معهد القانون الهندي، والسفير السفير ناريندر سينغ (الرئيس السابق للجنة القانون الدولي التابعة للأمم المتحدة)، والمستشار مادان ب لوكر (القاضي السابق بالمحكمة العليا في الهند).
وتستكمل الندوة مسيرة بدأتها مؤتمرات عُقدت في فلورنسا (أيار/مايو 2013)، ولاهاي (حزيران/يونيه 2017)، ونيودلهي (شباط/فبراير 2019)، وأربعة كتب نُشرت نتيجةً للمشروع، هي: مراقبة الجودة في تقصي الحقائق (650 صفحة) ومراقبة الجودة في الدراسة الأولية: المجلد 1 (706 صفحات)، مراقبة الجودة في الدراسة الأولية: المجلد 2 (764 صفحة)، ومراقبة الجودة في التحقيقات الجنائية (1108 صفحات). ويمكنك بمجر النقر على الفهرس أدناه أن تصل إلى جميع فصول هذه الكتب وتمهيداتها مجاناً.
Quality Control in Fact-Finding
- Table of Contents
- 'Preface to the Second Edition'
By Morten Bergsmo and Carsten Stahn - 'Foreword to the Second Edition'
By Mads Andenæs - 'Preface to the First Edition'
By Serge Brammertz - 'Foreword to the First Edition'
By Morten Bergsmo - 'Foreword to the First Edition'
By LING Yan - 'Non-Criminal Justice Fact-Work in the Age of Accountability'
By Marina Aksenova, Morten Bergsmo and Carsten Stahn - 'Quality Control in International Fact-Finding Outside Criminal Justice for Core International Crimes'
By Richard J. Goldstone - 'Improving Fact-Finding in Treaty-Based Human Rights Mechanisms and the Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council'
By Martin Scheinin - 'Justified Belief in the Unbelievable'
By Simon De Smet - 'Quality Control in Truth and Reconciliation Processes'
By LIU Daqun - 'Quality Control and the Mandate of International Fact-Finding'
By FAN Yuwen - 'Coherence in the Design and Implementation of the Mandates of International Fact-Finding Commissions: Internal and External Dimensions'
By Isabelle Lassée - 'Quality Control and the Selection of Members of International Fact-Finding Mandates'
By WU Xiaodan - 'Purpose and Legitimacy in International Fact-Finding Bodies'
By Dan Saxon - 'Witness Sensitive Practices in International Fact-Finding Outside Criminal Justice: Lessons for Nepal'
By Christopher B. Mahony - 'Fact-Finding in the Former Yugoslavia: What the Courts Did'
By David Re - 'International Criminal Law Outside the Courtroom: The Impact of Focusing on International Crimes for the Quality of Fact-Finding'
By Dov Jacobs and Catherine Harwood - 'Can International Criminal Investigators and Prosecutors Afford to Ignore Information from United Nations Human Rights Sources?'
By Lyal S. Sunga - 'Non-Governmental Organisation Fact-Work: Not Only a Technical Problem'
By Wolfgang Kaleck and Carolijn Terwindt - 'Fact-Finding and the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission'
By Charles Garraway - 'Information Technology and Quality Control in Non-Criminal Justice Fact-Work'
By Ilia Utmelidze - 'Human Rights Fact-Finding: Some Legal and Ethical Dilemmas'
By Geoffrey Robertson - 'Finding Facts on Facebook: Social Media in the Work of Human Rights Fact-Finding Bodies'
By Emma Irving - 'International(ised) Criminal Justice at a Crossroads: The Role of Civil Society in the Investigation of Core International Crimes and the ‘CIJA Model’'
By William H. Wiley
Quality Control in Preliminary Examination
- Table of Contents
- 'Foreword'
By LIU Daqun - 'Foreword'
By Martin Sørby - 'Foreword'
By Morten Bergsmo and Carsten Stahn - 'On the Magic, Mystery and Mayhem of Preliminary Examinations'
By Carsten Stahn, Morten Bergsmo and CHAN Ho Shing Icarus
Part 1: The Practice of Preliminary Examination: Realities and Constraints
- 'Constraints and Quality Control in Preliminary Examination: Critical Lessons Learned from the ICTY, the ICC, the ECCC and the United Kingdom'
By Andrew T. Cayley - 'The Concern for Quality Control and Norwegian Preliminary Examination Practice'
By Runar Torgersen - 'Preliminary Examination in the United States Military: Quality Control and Reform'
By Franklin D. Rosenblatt - 'Pre-Investigation and Accountability in India: Legal and Policy Roadblocks'
By Abraham Joseph - 'German Preliminary Examinations of International Crimes'
By Matthias Neuner - 'The Legalistic Function of Preliminary Examinations: Quality Control as a Two-Way Street'
By Matilde E. Gawronski - 'The Pre-Preliminary Examination Stage: Theory and Practice of the OTP’s Phase 1 Activities'
By Amitis Khojasteh
Part 2: Case Studies or Situation Analysis
- 'The ICC Involvement in Colombia: Walking the Fine Line between Peace and Justice'
By Marina Aksenova - '‘Magical Legalism’ and the International Criminal Court: A Case Study of the Kenyan Preliminary Examination'
By Christian M. De Vos - 'Challenges in the Relationship between the ICC and African States: The Role of Preliminary Examinations under the First ICC Prosecutor'
By Benson Chinedu Olugbuo - 'Dealing with the Ongoing Conflict at the Heart of Europe: On the ICC Prosecutor’s Difficult Choices and Challenges in the Preliminary Examination into the Situation of Ukraine'
By Iryna Marchuk - 'Accountability for British War Crimes in Iraq? Examining the Nexus between International and National Justice Responses'
By Thomas Obel Hansen - 'The UK in Iraq and the ICC: Judicial Intervention, Positive Complementarity and the Politics of International Criminal Justice'
By Rachel Kerr - 'The Situation of Palestine in Wonderland: An Investigation into the ICC’s Impact in Israel'
By Sharon Weill - 'Quality Control in the Preliminary Examination of the Georgia Situation'
By Nino Tsereteli - 'The Venture of the Comoros Referral at the Preliminary'
By Ali Emrah Bozbayındır
Part 3: The Normative Framework of Preliminary Examinations
- 'Prosecutorial Ethics and Preliminary Examinations at the ICC'
By Alexander Heinze and Shannon Fyfe - 'Politics, Power Dynamics, and the Limits of Existing Self-Regulation and Oversight in ICC Preliminary Examinations'
By Asaf Lubin - 'Disarming the Trap: Evaluating Prosecutorial Discretion in Preliminary Examinations beyond the False Dichotomy of Politics and Law'
By Jens Iverson - 'Make the ICC Relevant: Aiding, Abetting, and Accessorizing as Aggravating Factors in Preliminary Examination'
By Christopher B. Mahony - 'The Standard of Proof in Preliminary Examinations'
By Matthew E. Cross - 'Reconceptualizing the Birth of the International Criminal Case: Creating an Office of the Examining Magistrate'
By Gregory S. Gordon
Part 4: Transparency, Co-operation and Participation in Preliminary Examination
- 'Deterrence or Withdrawals? Consequences of Publicising Preliminary Examination Activities'
By Ana Cristina Rodríguez Pineda - 'Objectivity of the ICC Preliminary Examinations'
By Vladimir Tochilovsky - 'The ICC’s Interplay with UN Fact-Finding Commissions in Preliminary Examinations'
By Mutoy Mubiala - 'Non-States Parties and the Preliminary Examination of Article 12(3) Declarations'
By LING Yan - 'Making Sense of the Invisible: The Role of the ‘Accused’ during Preliminary Examinations'
By Dov Jacobs and Jennifer Naouri - 'Quality Control in the Preliminary Examination of Civil Society Submissions '
By Andreas Schüller and Chantal Meloni - 'Civil Society Participation in Preliminary Examinations'
By Sarah Williams
Part 5: Thematicity in Preliminary Examination
- 'Quality Control in Preliminary Examination of Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence in International Criminal Law: A Feminist Analysis'
By Usha Tandon, Pratibha Tandon and Shreeyash U. Lalit - 'Preliminary Examinations and Children: Beyond Child Recruitment Cases and Towards a Children’s Rights Approach'
By Cynthia Chamberlain - 'Casting a Larger Shadow: Premeditated Madness, the International Criminal Court, and Preliminary Examinations'
By Mark Kersten - 'Open Source Fact-Finding in Preliminary Examinations'
By Alexa Koenig, Felim McMahon, Nikita Mehandru and Shikha Silliman Bhattacharjee - 'ICC Preliminary Examinations and National Justice: Opportunities and Challenges for Catalysing Domestic Prosecutions'
By Elizabeth M. Evenson
Quality Control in Criminal Investigation
- Table of Contents
- 'Preface by the Co-Editors'
By Xabier Agirre Aranburu, Morten Bergsmo, Simon De Smet and Carsten Stahn - 'Foreword'
By Fatou Bensouda - 'Foreword'
By Manoj Kumar Sinha - 'Prologue'
By Gregory S. Gordon - 'Investigative Bottlenecks and the Mindset of Quality Control'
By Xabier Agirre Aranburu and Morten Bergsmo
Part 1: The Context
- 'From Preliminary Examination to Investigation: Rethinking the Connection'
By Carsten Stahn - 'Investigating International Crimes: Pitfalls, Problems and Promises'
By Thijs B. Bouwknegt
Part 2: Evidence and Analysis
- 'The Contribution of Analysis to the Quality Control in Criminal Investigation'
By Xabier Agirre Aranburu - 'Analysis of Organisational Structures and Quality Control of Case Development'
By Christian Axboe Nielsen - 'Interviewing Victims and Witnesses of Crime'
By Trond Myklebust, Gavin Oxburgh and William Webster - 'Child Soldier or Soldier? Estimating Age in Cases of Core International Crimes: Challenges and Opportunities'
By Moa Lidén - 'Confirmation Bias in Investigations of Core International Crimes: Risk Factors and Quality Control Techniques'
By Moa Lidén - 'International Criminal Investigative Collection Planning, Collection Management and Evidence Review'
By Ewan Brown and William H. Wiley
Part 3: Systemic Challenges in Case-Preparatory Work-Processes
- 'Prioritisation of Suspected Conduct and Cases: From Idea to Practice'
By Devasheesh Bais - 'Enhancing the Quality of Investigations: What Role Can the In-Depth Analysis Charts Play?'
By Olympia Bekou - 'Controlling the Quality of Reasoning About the Link Between Evidence and Factual Findings'
By Simon De Smet - 'Investigations of Criminal Responsibility by the ICC Office of the Prosecutor'
By Matthias Neuner - 'Challenges in Charge Selection: Considerations Informing the Number of Charges and Cumulative Charging Practices'
By Cale Davis - 'Rethinking Disclosure: Embrace the Electronic Disclosure Suite'
By David Re
Part 4: Investigation Plans as Instruments of Quality Control
- 'Investigation Plans in International Criminal Investigations: The Example of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor'
By Markus Eikel - 'Investigation Plans in the Draft Regulations of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor: An Italian Perspective'
By Antonio Angotti - 'Use of Investigation Plans in Indian Criminal Justice: The Crime of Human Trafficking'
By Usha Tandon and Shreeyash Uday Lalit - 'Investigation Plans as a Tool for Managing Investigations in Norway'
By Alf Butenschøn Skre
Part 5: Judicial and Prosecutorial Participation in Investigation and Case Preparation
- 'Quality Control in Case Preparation and the Role of the Judiciary of the International Criminal Court'
By Gilbert Bitti - 'The Judiciary and Enhancement of the Classification of Alleged Conduct'
By Eleni Chaitidou - 'The Role of the Judiciary in the Enhancement of Quality in the National Investigation and Preparation of Core International Crimes'
By Leïla Bourguiba - 'The Importance of Successful Co-operation Between Police Investigators and the Prosecution Service to Secure Efficient and Fair Court Proceedings and Verdicts'
By Tor-Geir Myhrer - 'Some Reflections on the Role of Military Justice Mechanisms in the International Criminal Justice System'
By Gilad Noam