第一卷 | 第二卷 | 第三卷 | 会议议程、视频及播客 | 阿罗特(Allot)政策简报

第二卷—《国际刑法的哲学基础:基础性概念》 (2019)—讨论了一些国际刑法学科中被认为起到奠基作用的概念。第一卷和第二卷的编辑希望在未来的版本中分别讨论更多的思想家和概念,以扩充这两卷的内容。
第三卷—《国际刑法的哲学基础:受法律保护的利益》(2022)对前两卷的交叉学科和概念的分析进行补充,讨论了国际刑法保护的根本利益或者价值。第三卷探讨了国际刑法语境下“社会利益”(community interest)、“被法律保护的利益”(legally-protected interest)、“法益”(legal good)等概念。作者们评估了当前国际刑法保护的主要利益(包括“人类共同体”、“国际和平与安全”)及其特点和相互间的关系。部分文章还讨论了国际刑法应当进一步认可的其它利益,包括“和解”(reconciliation)、“相互支持”(solidarity)、“人类团结”(unity of humankind)等。日益突出的环境和安全威胁促使我们考虑通过国际刑法给予“人类团结”这一价值更突出的认可。
Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Correlating Thinkers
- Table of Contents
- 'Foreword'
By Judge Madan B. Lokur
AV: Opening Remarks at Conference on Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law - 'Foreword'
By Gregory S. Gordon - 'Setting a Discourse Space: Correlational Analysis, Foundational Concepts, and Legally Protected Interests in International Criminal Law'
By Morten Bergsmo, Emiliano J. Buis and Nora Helene Bergsmo
AV: On Legally Protected Interests in International Criminal Law - 'Restraint over Revenge: Emotional Bias, Reformative Punishment, and Plato’s Contribution to Modern International Criminal Law'
By Emiliano J. Buis
AV: The Platonic Theory of Punishment and its Contribution to the Philosophical Development of International Criminal Law - 'Cicero: Bellum Iustum and the Enemy Criminal Law'
By Pedro López Barja de Quiroga
AV: The Ciceronian Foundations of Modern ‘Feindstrafrecht’ - 'Roman Jurists and the Idea of International Criminal Responsibility: Ulpian and the Cosmopolis'
By Kaius Tuori
AV: Roman Jurists and the Idea of International Criminal Responsibility: Ulpian and the ‘Cosmopolis’ - 'Inter Homines Esse: The Foundations of International Criminal Law and the Writings of Ambrose, Augustine, Aquinas, Vitoria and Suárez'
By Hanne Sophie Greve
AV: The Foundations of International Criminal Law and the Writings of Ambrose, Augustine, Aquinas, Vitoria and Suarez - 'Buddhist Philosophy and International Criminal Law: Towards a Buddhist Approach to Reckoning with Mass Atrocity'
By Tallyn Gray - 'Hugo Grotius on War, Punishment, and the Difference Sovereignty Makes'
By Pablo Kalmanovitz
AV: Hugo Grotius on Punishment, War, and the Difference Sovereignty Makes - 'Hobbes et la Cour pénale internationale : la fiction du contrat social global'
By Juan Paulo Branco Lopez
AV: Hobbes and the International Criminal Court: Towards a Global Social Contract? - 'An Analysis of Lockean Philosophy in the Historical and Modern Context of the Development of, and the Jurisdictional Restraints Imposed by, the ICC Statute'
By Daniel N. Clay
AV: An Analysis of Lockean Philosophy in the Historical and Modern Contexts of the Development of and the Jurisdictional Restraints Imposed by the Statute of the International Criminal Court - '“The friend of all nations”: Punishment and Universal Jurisdiction in Emer de Vattel’s Law of Nations'
By Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina
AV: Punishment and Universal Jurisdiction in Emer de Vattel’s Law of Nations - 'The Statute of the International Criminal Court as a Kantian Constitution'
By Alexander Heinze
AV: Kant, Cosmopolitan Law and the Rome Statute as a Constitution - 'Jeremy Bentham’s Legacy: A Vision of an International Law for the Greatest Happiness of All Nations'
By Gunnar M. Ekeløve-Slydal
AV: Jeremy Bentham’s Legacy: A Vision of an International Law for the Greatest Happiness of All Nations - 'Reconciliation v. Retribution, and Co-operation v. Substitution: Hegel’s Suggestions for a Philosophy of International Criminal Law'
By Sergio Dellavalle - 'Understanding the International Ius Puniendi under Durkheim’s Collective Conscience: An Anachronism or a Viable Path?'
By Carlos Augusto Canedo Gonçalves da Silva and Aléxia Alvim Machado Faria - 'Gandhism and International Criminal Law'
By Abraham Joseph
AV: Gandhism and International Criminal Law - 'Hans Kelsen and the Move to Compulsory Criminal Jurisdiction in International Law'
By Jochen von Bernstorff - 'Mens Rea, Intentionality and Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Psychology'
By Jaroslav Větrovský
AV: Mens Rea, Behaviourism, and Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Psychology - 'Genocide: The Choppy Journey to Codification'
By Mark A. Drumbl - 'Arendt on Prevention and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence'
By Djordje Djordjević
AV: Arendt on Prevention and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence - 'Transnational Governmentality Networking: A Neo-Foucauldian Account of International Criminal Law'
By Gregory S. Gordon
AV: Transnational Governmentality Networking: A Neo-Foucauldian Account of International Criminal Law
Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Foundational Concepts
- Table of Contents
- 'From Open Normativity to Normative Openness: Addressing the Elephant in the Room, That Is, the Fact of Justificatory Pluralism in International Criminal Justice'
By Christoph Burchard
AV: Normative Openness: Coming to Terms with Normative Pluralism and Fragmentation in International Criminal Justice - 'The Prince and the People: Sovereignty in International Criminal Law’s Philosophical Foundations'
By Christopher B. Mahony
AV: Sovereignty in International Criminal Law’s Philosophical Foundations - 'Towards ‘Global’ Criminal Justice?'
By Milinda Banerjee
AV: Towards Global Criminal Justice? - 'The Concept of International Criminal Responsibility for Individuals and the Foundational Transformation of International Law'
AV: The Concept of International Criminal Responsibility for Individuals and the Foundational Transformation of International Law - 'International Criminal Responsibility as a Founding Principle of International Criminal Law'
By Javier Dondé-Matute
AV: International Criminal Responsibility as a Foundational Principle of International Criminal Law - 'Justifying International Criminal Punishment: A Critical Perspective'
By Barrie Sander
AV: A Critical Account of Justificatory Theories of Punishment in the International Criminal Context - 'Impunity: A Philosophical Analysis'
By Max Pensky
AV: Impunity: A Philosophical Analysis - 'Truth, Testimony, and Epistemic Injustice in International Criminal Law'
By Shannon E. Fyfe
AV: Truth, Testimony and Epistemic Injustice in International Criminal Law
Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Legally-Protected Interests
- Table of Contents
- 'Preface by the Editors'
By Morten Bergsmo, Emiliano J. Buis and SONG Tianying - 'Protected Interests in International Criminal Law'
By Morten Bergsmo, Emiliano J. Buis and SONG Tianying - 'The Legal Interests Protected by War Crimes'
By SONG Tianying
AV: Legal Goods Protected by War Crimes - 'The Legal Good of ‘Humanity’ Protected by Crimes Against Humanity'
By Susan R. Lamb
AV: The Legal Good of ‘Humanity’ Protected by Crimes Against Humanity - 'Legal Goods in International Criminal Law'
By Ioanna N. Anastasopoulou
AV: Collective Rechtsgüter and International Criminal Law - '‘Reconciliation’ as a Philosophical Foundational Concept in International Criminal Law'
By David Baragwanath
AV: ‘Reconciliation’ as a Philosophical Foundational Concept in International Criminal Law - 'On ‘Unity’ as an Emerging Legal Interest in International Criminal Law'
By Salim A. Nakhjavani and Melody Mirzaagha
AV: On ‘Unity’ as an Emerging Legal Good in International Criminal Law - 'Forging a Modern African Perspective on ‘Unity’ as a Collective Legal Interest in International Criminal Law'
By Kafayat Motilewa Quadri, Vahyala Kwaga and Tosin Osasona
AV: Communitarianism and ‘Unity’: Forging a Modern African Perspective on ‘Unity’ as a Collective Legal Good in International Criminal Law - 'Humanity and Unity: Indian Thought and Legal Interests Protected by International Criminal Law'
By Surabhi Sharma
AV: ‘Humanity’ and ‘Unity’: Indian Thought and Collective Legal Goods Protected by International Criminal Law - 'Unity and Disunity in International Criminal Justice'
By Rod Rastan